rio_turtle 0.5.3

RDF Turtle, Trig, N-Triples and N-Quads parsers and serializers

Implementation of N-Triples, N-Quads, Turtle and TriG parsers.

All the provided parsers work in streaming from a BufRead implementation. They do not rely on any dependencies outside of Rust standard library. The parsers are not protected against memory overflows. For example if the parsed content contains a literal string of 16 GB, 16 GB of memory will be allocated.

How to read a file foo.ttl and count the number of rdf:type triples:

use rio_turtle::{TurtleParser, TurtleError};
use rio_api::parser::TriplesParser;
use rio_api::model::NamedNode;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::fs::File;
use oxiri::Iri;

let rdf_type = NamedNode { iri: "" };
let mut count = 0;
TurtleParser::new(BufReader::new(File::open("foo.ttl")?), Some(Iri::parse("file:foo.ttl".to_owned()).unwrap())).parse_all(&mut |t| {
if t.predicate == rdf_type {
count += 1;
Ok(()) as Result<(), TurtleError>
# Result::<_,TurtleError>::Ok(())

Replace TurtleParser by NTriplesParser, NQuadsParser or TriGParser to read an N-Triples, N-Quads or TriG file instead.

NTriplesParser and NQuadsParser do not use the second argument of the new function that is the IRI of the file.

Sophia adapters for Rio parsers are provided if the sophia feature is enabled.